Thursday, June 18, 2015

Trading Up...Bigger and Better

Bigger or Better....Trading Up.

I have four things I desire to have or do.

1. APQS Millenium Long Arm Quilting Machine with a computer system.
2. Open a Quilt Shop in Albany, Georgia.
3. Own a House in Albany, Georgia
4. Pink Hummer...I saw one one day and felt like lightning struck me....I knew I had to have a Pink Hummer.

Has anyone ever heard of the Bigger or Better game? Well I have decided to have some fun and play Bigger or Better and see if I can trade up to the previous things I mentioned. Anything is possible in my mind....all you have to do is believe!!!!!

I have created a Blog for each of my Bigger or Better Trade-ups. Just click on each link above to take you there. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
Please follow my progress and the trades I have made. By all means if you have something Bigger or Better you wish to trade let me know.

I know there are a lot of you out there who played this as a child. Some may still be playing it as adults.

There is a story of a young man who offered a Red Paper Clip and fourteen trades later ended up trading for a house. You can read that story here.

I thought it would be a really fun game to play and knew others would enjoy joining in.

Please spread the word....anyone is eligible to play.

So here are the rules....

1. I offer something up for trade. If you think you have something bigger and better and you want to trade for the item I have offered let me know.

There are no limits on what you can offer to trade, but I ask that you keep it respectful, something of true value, and that you honestly follow through on your trade.

I am hoping for an adventure so let's make this fun shall we!!!!!

I will be blogging about the entire process, so read along, spread the work and ask your friends to join.

May the trading begin......Remember "BIGGER AND BETTER"